Sunday, July 7, 2013

Marathon Training! Week Four!

I managed to stay mostly on track this week.  Which is pretty impressive considering there was a holiday this week AND I worked 3 of the 4 days of the holiday weekend.

This cat pretty much sums up my overall attitude at the moment:

Running-wise though, I'm feeling pretty good.

Here's what I had on tap for the week:

Monday: 3 miles in 32:48 (11:04 per mile).  I don't remember a lot about this run, so it must have been OK

Tuesday: 45 minutes of strength training

Wednesday: Was supposed to run.  Didn't.  Watched three episodes of Game of Thrones, ate sushi and drank a bottle of wine.  Oops.  I mean, sushi is carb loading, right?  And is anyone else unable to wait for season 4 to come out?

Thursday: 4.21 miles in 48:43 (11:36 per mile).  It was a trail run, so I'm pretty stoked about my pace

Friday: 9 miles in 1:49:00 (12:12 per mile).  Hot, so hot.  I didn't help that I didn't listen to my own training tips and I attempted this run at 3 pm.  Shout out to Mr Sharkie for sticking with me and listening to me whine for miles 7.5-9.  Oh well, at least I got it over with?

Saturday: 6 miles biking.  To and from soldier field.  To see Messi and Friends versus the World!  Spoiler alert: Messi and Friends kicked butt!

This is seriously the best I could do with my iPhone:

Someone enroll me in a photography class

Total mileage: 16.21
Overall outlook: Is it fall yet?  84% humidity and I do NOT get along.

That's all I have for now.  How is everyone else's training going?  I finally have a race on my schedule in 2 weeks.  I can't wait to get back out there!


  1. Only time anyone is allowed to say winter right now is for Game of Thrones- Winter is Coming! Can not wait! Did you read the books too?

    What race are you doing in 2 weeks? I'll be doing the Rock and Roll in 2 weeks.
    Training is okay on my end, trying to prevent some injuries from reoccurring.

    The humidity is gross to run in, but you can feel kinda bad ass when you finish.

  2. I started to read the books, but definitely became hooked on the show. Are the books worth it? I don't want to spoil the TV show.

    I'm running Napa to Sonoma next weekend. I would have done RNR Chicago, but had already registered to travel instead.

    Happy training!

  3. The books are EPIC! It is nice to be able to read a bunch of them right now without waiting multiple years in between. They add a lot to the show. It will spoil the show for sure, but there is so much material, I have forgotten a bunch of stuff and can't wait to see what I do remember brought to life. Read them at some point for sure!
