Saturday, August 10, 2013

Marathon Training! Week Nine!

Holy Crap!! We're halfway through marathon training!!

The little widget on my blog is saying that there are 63 days until the marathon, so that's fun.

Sunday: Rest!

Monday: 50 minutes of strength training

Tuesday: 4 miles in 42:38.  One of those get out there and just get 'er done runs.

Wednesday: 50 minutes of strength training.  We also went to the White Sox game!

Thursday: 7 miles in 1:16:30.  Ran with my CARA group, so at least I wasn't lonely!  And then I ate this:

OMG so freaking good.

Friday: Unintentional rest day.  Please see additional post re: Thursday night shenanigans

Saturday: 10 miles in 1:51:20.

Total mileage: 21 miles

Overall outlook: Good!  And ready for winter!!

Next race: Madison Mini

Have a great weekend everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. ahhhhh Half way! God speed and good health for the second half! And good food!
