Sunday, July 14, 2013

Marathon Training! Week 5!

This week was brought to me by the letter "H," for "humidity" and "hot"

Monday - 3 miles in 33:33 (11:30 pace).  There's a bank on my 3 mile route that displays time and temperature.  I've noticed that it consistently reads ~ 15 degrees warmer than it actually is outside.  95 is a terrible, terrible number to see when you're out running.  This run was followed by sushi!  And catching up with good friends!

Tuesday - 60 minutes of strength training

Wednesday - 5 miles in ?????  Nike plus watch = uncharged.

Thursday - got trapped at work, so went out for short rib nachos instead of doing strength training.  It was a good summer decision

Friday - 45 minutes of group conditioning.  Part of which involved flipping tires over.  My forearms and wrists are really sore.  Totally weird.

Saturday - 10 miles in ?????  Nike plus watch = charged.  Nike plus app = broken

And then my crazy friends were smoking bourbon.  And making smoked bourbon cocktails.  Cheers for smoked bourbon manhattans!

Best summer day ever!

Mom?  Can I have some of your cocktail?

Sunday - Drove up to Michigan to stalk houses and eat at Redamaks.  Mmmmmmmm.  Velveeta cheeseburger.
Sometimes, I leave the state on the weekends!

Overall mileage - 18 miles
Overall outlook - good!  I can't WAIT to run Napa to Sonoma next weekend.  And to taste wine!!

Have a great week everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Nachos are a stomach strength work out! It counts!
    This week, the H's are back!
