Saturday, July 27, 2013

Marathon Training! Week Seven (I think...)!!

Marathon training this week was brought to me by the letter "w" for WINE!!

Sunday - Napa to Sonoma Half Marathon!

Monday - Ha!  I was driven around in a town car for 8 hours visiting 4 different wineries.  There was no running today.

Taken at Frogs Leap.  So Pretty.

 Tuesday - Ha!  Unless visiting 2 wineries and In and Out Burger counts, no running today...

Yeah.  I went Double Double.  Not pictured: chocolate shake.

Wednesday - Flew home.  Too sad to run.

Thursday - 6.22 miles in 1:10:54 (11:23 average pace).  Apparently I felt compelled to turn my 6 mile run into a 10K

Friday - First day back at work.  Worked for 11 hours.  Really didn't feel like exercising.

Saturday - 12 miles in ???? (left watch charging on kitchen counter.  oddly freeing).  Anyone else have a terrible run today?  I don't know what it was, but my legs gassed out around mile 10 today.  Power cleaned the condo and spent way too much time/money in Target.  Made strawberry basil lemonade.  IN THE WORLD'S BIGGEST BALL JAR!!!!

It doesn't look amazing, but add some vodka and shake 'er up?  Perfection!

Total weekly mileage: 31

Next race: Madison Mini!

Have a great week everyone!!


  1. Sounds like an awesome week! Well, at least before you got back to work.

    That lemonade with vodka sounds super good!
    Have a great day!

  2. It was a pretty awesome week :)

    I'm never buying store bought lemonade again. Although extracting two cups of lemon juice was a lot of work.
